What platform to focus on?

March 28, 2013    

  • What platform to focus on?

With technology changing rapidly and so many different ways to market yourself, it can be quite overwhelming knowing what platforms to focus on. You want to be open-minded to new trends so you don’t miss market opportunity, but jumping from platform to platform without any results can be time-wasting. Before you embark your digital journey, it is important to understand your audience and where they “hang out”. You don’t want to go to the empty bar, shouting “Follow Me”.

To become successful in digital marketing, it’s vital to know your audience. You need answers to questions such as: What platforms do they use? How are they currently interacting with brands? And how are their purchasing behavior?

Another important factor is to know what your competitors are doing. For an SME, this could be a fantastic opportunity to let the competitors do the leg work, see what works and how you can improve or make things better. If however, your competitors are not active on Pinterest for example, but your audience are, you should see this as a great opportunity to be a leader in this space.

Though Social Media is appealing to portray an authentic voice of the brand and being an inexpensive marketing method – the return of investment (ROI) can take time and requires consistency and good content. If you’re looking for attracting 1000’s of people to your website over night, then perhaps PPC advertising would be more suitable for your needs.

Different platforms have different purposes. Therefore, we advice our clients to think strategically on how to use them and how it will yield results. To be on all platforms but not using them well, can be counterproductive. It will be beneficial for the brand to focus on performing extremely well on one platform than doing all of them without any results.

What platforms are you currently using? Let us know what works for you.



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